Quad-C Management

TOP 50 PE Winner



Charlottesville, VA

Market Focus
North America middle market; business services, consumer, general industrial, healthcare, specialty distribution and transportation/logistics

Investment Criteria
• Enterprise Value: $50MM-$500MM
• Geography: North America
• Ownership: Majority Positions
• Transaction Size: $25MM-$125MM

Steve Burns (Managing Partner), Terry Daniels (Chairman) and Tony Ignaczak (Managing Partner)

More on Quad-C

Quad-C runs its private equity business based on a few simple but important principles – substantial equity for owners and management, management continuity, experience, integrity, and rapid closings. The firm has ingrained these tenets into its culture, thereby earning the trust of a reoccurring base of limited partners that includes pension funds, fund of funds, insurance companies, endowments, high net worth individuals and former portfolio company managers.

Focusing on six main industries, the company takes majority positions in firms with between $75M and $400M in revenue, exhibiting the following attributes: experienced management team, established track-record, sustainable competitive advantage, and attractive growth opportunities.

Contact Quad-C

200 Garrett St, Suite M
Charlottesville, VA 22902

Call 434.979.2070 →  | Visit quadcmanagement.com → 


50 of the Best in Private Equity